
The difference is whether you cut corners on the things that you consider important. If you classify laundry and housework as unimportant and then leave them undone, that is bold and pragmatic choice.

The primary purpose of gaming media should be to focus on games. When it becomes about social issues, it wastes our time and screen-space. We have other sites for that stuff.

Another note on the Mario Golf World Tour thing. Though they did have Day 1 DLC, it is also true that Mario Golf retailed for $35, rather than the standard price tag of $40 for most of their 3DS games. So, for $1 more than standard retail, you get extra stuff. That seems more than reasonable to me.

I want a Co-op Fire Emblem for Wii U

This just proves that people love to complain and whine. Since they included the Profiler, people complain that minorities could be targets. If they didn't include Profiler and minorities, then people would complain that Ubisoft is bigoted, racist, sexist and homophobic for not including and celebrating the inclusion

Obviously frivolous lawsuit is obvious.

Well, Turtle Rock has come down on the side of tyranny.

Yeah, I agree with you. While it isn't as hard as some, it also doesn't just go easy on you. Which is nice. I like games that show the player a little respect. The bonus levels were legitimately tough.

"The only exception was with Tropical Freeze, a game that's so brutally difficult I have trouble imagining how parents and children would play the game together. "

Not alone. But given that there are some very strong titles on the Wii U, and some upcoming ones that look absolutely stellar, I would say it's a worthwhile investment. The announcement of this game last summer convinced me to finally buy a Wii U, and I've been quite happy with it.

I would be 100% okay with that. Super Mario 3D World did so many things so well.

I think that's just for Bonus Stretch goals, which haven't been announced yet.

I disagree. I think the #1 feature of the Wii U is Nintendo's focus on 4-player same room multiplayer gaming. It's one big advantage Nintendo has over MS and Sony.

I rarely am ever an early adopter of consoles.

It sounds like it's a team of two. If you have worked with developers, you will know that many prefer to just do programming and aren't as excited about the PR/Marketing/Public Notices aspects that are a necessary evil.

You know what they say when you assume...

You just set off my alarms. I feel violated. How dare you write a comment like that!

Do you use the eShop? Harmoknight is a great little treasure.

I hear what you are saying, but I don't think the announced DLC pack is even relevant to those concerns. It's a new type of mission that wasn't included in the original game. It neither expands the story nor changes any previous content.

How did it feel incomplete?