Any word on how it compares to the extreme? I've thought the extreme is the best ever. It works amazingly. Also, how does it do airplay? that's cool
Any word on how it compares to the extreme? I've thought the extreme is the best ever. It works amazingly. Also, how does it do airplay? that's cool
A buyout is not a smart option. The company is dying. Prep for the death, stay out of debt, make the most profits possible in the next few years. There is no future for the current business.
people check in on facebook?? people still check in on foursquare? I bailed on foursquare because it was useless other than check ins. I'm always on yelp because the info is so useful.
I saw it with Atmos at the AMC Century City. It didn't seem to make much of a difference. Probably one of those really subtle things where it was actually preferable but to subtle for me to overtly notice.
i think this article broke their site
What the hell on the fundraiser for the fundraiser??? "You did something nice for someone else so here is a bunch of money." Ridiculous.
I need more of an explanation on what this is.
and he'd be like "weird, cause there are 8 in our solar system now."
While on earth Jesus said he had "sheep not of this fold" and "them also I must bring." He also said he had "worlds without end." Jesus didn't promote that others don't exist, he hinted that they do.
Also, this is really cool. Love postings like this and info.
If there are 100B planets and most are small then there would be at least 50B+ terrestrial.
Maybe that simpsons episode set in the future where Lisa takes what seems to be a janky biplane will prove prescient.
Glad it wasn't just me. I'm still not following
will you put a 12 point list in this article that says what each of the 12 things are...Am I supposed to assume that each of these pictures so some thing that is a reason? I don't really get what the things are in order to be able to interpret what would be wrong with them.
Thanks for the follow up - this plan has only confused me since i thought I got it at first. It seems like a total customer screw over.
Find my iphone: make the new phone trackable even if wiped until new service is registered. ie, if you steal the phone when you try to sign up for new service the provider will know it's stolen and not grant access
Probably pointed out already but i dont feel like reading all the comments - you'd buy the smart phone plan ($40) then buy 1gb data ($50) then share that with all devices. Tablets for $10 would be for a stand alone tablet plan (then plus $50+ for data for it). So youre basically saying starting $90 1gb data shared…
yeah - rumors well before hand cool, but solid data came out within hours
Update: incorrect
The russian experiment could have genuine applications in transplantation even if it seems creepy. People get face, hand, feet, arm transplants now in addition to organ transplants. Outside of a transplant it would be handy to know how to put someones head back on if it got chopped off.