
Our 24 Hours of Lemons 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII of course!

Yes. Reading a tweet you disagree with is literally the same thing as having your limbs blown off of your body by actual landmines. LOOKOUT - ANOTHER TWEET - DUCK SNOWFLAKES DUCK!


And private employers have the right to fire you for doing so. Also the essence of America. Don’t like it? Start your own team of protestors.

Which can be countered with, you literally have no idea what the 1st Amendment guarantees. It guarantees that you will not be prosecuted by the government for your protest. It is absolutely silent on how your employer treats you following your protest. You can be fired by your NASCAR boss for literally anything. Won’t

Low taxes and low IQ? It was Los Angeles. Not Louisana (LA). Oh the irony that your IQ didn’t allow you to read beyond the headline or just watch the video and allow your biases come roaring to the keyboard.

Or maybe they were too busy ducking from being shot by black or mentally ill people. Or maybe they were too busy responding to the thousands upon thousands of calls of domestic violence, rape, robbery, assault, murder, theft, burglary, auto theft etc. because the people of Los Angeles don’t know how to act like

The people you are sympathizing with LITERALLY want females to have their clitoris removed. They LITERALLY stone gays to death. They LITERALLY demand females cover head to toe or be stoned to death. Jezebel’s embrace of the muslim is beyond sick. There is no example anywhere on the planet, or anywhere in history of a

I have no reason whatsoever to take an uber tomorrow. However, take an uber I will. F**k you and your stupid faux-moralizing. The President was elected and promised to do certain things. He’s actually doing those things to the horror of the progressive left. That’s what the people voted for, and that’s what the people

Now playing

Or, you could just take Jesse Jackson’s word for it that he’s the real deal.

Somebody should probably call the Reverend Jackson and tell him to change his mind and his exceptionally positive impression of Mr. Trump, because deadspin said so.