
two big, unfair calls like this have to have the Ravens feeling they’re cursed.

I couldn’t believe how the GOP members were talking to her, worse than my sister-in-law when her son misbehaves. And Gowdy, a former prosecutor, really? He was the absolute worst, smug as shit with nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Especially at the end when Cummings asked for Blumenthal’s testimony to be

I think Hillary looked Presidental af yesterday. It was really the first time I was like “yeah, she’d be good at that job”. I have mixed feelings on Hillary sometimes but she showed the fuck up yesterday. Well played.

Here’s the thing (having worked in Congress and politics for a long time): many elected officials are complete idiots (this doesn’t just apply to Congress). As in mind-numbingly dumb. They often have quite intelligent staffers who write their speeches/floor statements and actually meet constituents and special

It’s a spectacular disgace, but I don’t know if these shenanigans are a failure in the eyes of these angry old men.

Policy-wise, I'm firmly in Bernie's camp but that doesn't mean that I can recognize what a shameful hit job they tried to pull on Clinton. If the DNC doesn't make an effort to go after every Republican member of this committee hard for this partisan-hack travesty in their reelection campaigns, they're damn fools as


It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

So how come O’Malley isn’t on this list for his “Assad invaded Syria” blunder? Despite the efforts of his supporter to spin it as “he misspoke,” it wasn’t like he just mispronounced the name of a country or transposed two dates in a manner that showed he obviously still understood the underlying concept. His statement

I like the hyprocisy of her complaining about Snowden exposing classified information to foreign elements, but maintains that she did nothing of the sort because of her private email server.

I thought that was extremely strange also, especially with all the disparaging remarks about ‘casino capitalism’ and evil corporations. While standing in a billion-dollar corporate owned casino in the middle of Las Vegas — a city built on greed and excess. Did nobody think of this while planning the event?

“Putin could care less “

This debate was more about pandering to special interest groups than it was about foreign policy. These folks talk about corporate excess and inequality, then have their debate in Las Vegas.

Is she wearing a wizard’s cloak?

I wish that we could run these debates like a quiz show with real time 3rd party fact check. Say something that's not categorically true, and a huge buzzer goes off like on Family Feud. Then a hook comes out and drags you offstage.

Stop calling this domestic violence. That term has a specific meaning that pushes a lot of buttons, and the fact that these were relatives is not enough.

Just out of curiosity: Is that supposed to be better? “No, sir, I was not drunk. I was fucked up on pills AND drinking.”

Should’ve replaced ‘tummy,’ very unbecoming for an Alpha male. Go with ‘crap factory.’

I think we need to leave her alone a little bit here. A belief in a person’s innocence despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary merely makes her a typical Patriots fan.