
When Justin Trudeau is done, may he be replaced with Canada’s Trump. I’m not entirely sure who that is. Probably the ghost of Rob Ford’s anus.

If you need more faith, just look at the Bush admin. They didn’t go into Iraq for oil, they really, honestly thought democracy and capitalism would fix everything on their own. History, power structures, allies, enemies, didn’t matter. These people are really that fucking sheltered and dumb that they believe their pet

Is that officially 2017's word of the year? If not, we need to get on that.

Okay,I gotta ask, have you been saving this dissertation or did you just type it up in the 40 minutes since you saw my post?

That is what a kakistocracy is.

All taxes are paid from production. There is no other wealth. Returns on investment are taken from production. Higher taxes on capital gains requires greater returns on investment. The belief that we can tax anybody other than those who are productive is based on the fallacy that money has value. Money has only the

Um...basically all corporations that lobby for more deregulation and more protection against customers suing them—often at the expense of basic human decency? Pretty obvious.

What part of capital GAINS is not clear?

thats really bad logic. sorry. just because you bought an asset with post-tax dollars, that does not mean you ‘paid taxes twice’ when that thing makes you more money.

Was she the perfect candidate? Absolutely not. Hell no. Terribly flawed.

Straight out of the movie “Idiocracy” - Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.

The bottom picture is the literal demonstration of “they go low, we go high.”

That is one of the most repulsive collection of stupid people I’ve ever seen.

The bar is so low, I’m just glad they didn’t wear blackface in front of Michelle’s portrait.

Here’s an idea for you that will transform the way you troll the internets: Write posts that sound more like something you’d say if you were sitting across the table from the person you’re commenting on. Pretend you don’t wish to be promptly punched in the face. It might serve you well.

The Pixel is NOT only on verizon. It’s only sold at the carrier level at verizon stores. You can buy an unlocked phone and use it at any carrier via best buy or direct from Google. So, yeah, no “contract pricing” except at verizon, but you can still get it.

But then that’s another thing I have to carry with me? Which sort of defeats the purpose of apple being about simplicity

Actually, both the Lightning port and USB-C only send a digital audio signal. This means you in fact do need a DAC either in the headphones themselves (if they have a USB-C or Lightning connector) or your dongle which converts the phone’s output to a 3.5mm jack. @Realnoize42 is not wrong. More than likely, headphone

Regarding your second link, be careful not to confuse sea ice with continental ice. Sea ice is only a few meters thick and its formation is highly moderated by local wind speeds (higher winds mean more sea ice). The total volume of sea ice is low because it’s so thin.

Continental ice, on the other hand, is kilometers

Hey it’s you again! The guy who doesn’t even know what growing zones are! Good to see you and your lack of understanding about this issue! You were the one talking about the 40 year long scientific plot to overthrow capitalism. Man those were some good times: You not being able to explain why scientists would