
Faking any crime is bullshit, and a hate crime even more.

Don’t forget they’re the masters of the fake news as well. So it’s the evil black illegal immigrant fake news mafia who’s behind the Clinton-backed campaign to eradicate the Jews and strengthen the New World Order.

Right? My first thought upon seeing this story was how he’d hit all the hot GOP dog whistles of the day with one swipe. Bravo asshole.

Same argument was made regarding Randy Moss, and he then went to the Patriots and set the single season TD record.

He/she didn’t equate the judges looks to his actions. The judgment came from the judges actions, not his looks. Maybe you have a point about not bringing up looks, but you’re making a connection that wasn’t originally there when you add the judging part in.

If someone falsely accused you of something like this how long would it take you to say that it didn’t happen? Would you really wait for an investigation to be completed, and for the only non-partisan witness to retrace their statement?

In a statement Tuesday, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said that Clancy’s departure provides a critical opportunity to put an outsider in charge of the agency.

You should really record yourself making comments like this and then post the video to Facebook. You’ll totally get tons of support.

What’s sad is that there is almost guaranteed to be a massive amount of blame assigned to Obama, and there will be a large chunk of Trump supporters that will believe it no matter what the facts are.

You know ‘little Marco’ hasn’t forgotten the primary!

How in the world did you draw that conclusion?

Don’t be so sure. The GOP has been able to get people to consistently vote against their own interests for 40 years. Might just go down as one of the greatest cons of all time.

So much this. +1,000

If you don’t immediately see a problem with this then you shouldn’t be teaching children in the US.

Jesus!!! Those are straight chomped!


I agree she messed this up, but you’re making quite a few assumptions in order to reach that conclusion. Just sayin.

Hard to say. I don’t think he’d be instantly done, but he would probably be attacked at least once every month or two for the first year, and the severity would determine his chances. He could be killed; it’s certainly possible. I think the overall problem is that he would never be able to establish any sort of

That’s nonsense. He’s 22, 150lbs soaking wet, and he’s one of the most notorious white supremacist killers of his time. He’ll be a target for a huge amount of people in prison, and those of his own race will find it hard to take his side in any interracial conflict. He didn’t act with dignity; the people he killed

Are they? He took the lives of nine completely innocent people. Nine humans, nine family members, nine children, nine co-workers; NINE FUCKING LIVES. His only reason is that they were black and he hates black people. Is it now wrong that he face the angst of the black inmates in prison? I think it’s perfect and