
I could be wrong, but I don’t think it’s illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. You probably have to yield the right of way to pedestrians, which makes it impractical in an urban area, but I can’t see it being illegal itself.

No one has shown how it wasn’t already ‘up to current standards’, no one has mentioned how it will be improved, and no one has discussed how that improvement will be measured.

My uncle is a nuclear engineer, and he was defending the design of Fukushima during a conversation we were having, by saying that it only failed when the water rose above the 50 year level the plant was designed for. This is the problem with engineers. He was so adamant that the engineering teams had done their jobs

Which nuclear power or waste facility are you referencing that stores spent fuel that way, and how do you know about these details? Can you elaborate here?

C’mon, Vegas is So Cal’s playground, you know it’s coming with by force if need be.

The job market here is just terrible, the people are boring, and it’s just downright ugly everywhere. I’d stay put. ;)

Just keep it low-key and reasonable and you’re more than welcome!

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the only logical end result of this nonsense being either a military coup to restore order or an all out civil war? We now have an illegitimate supreme court justice nominee, who will likely be confirmed. The senate has even threatened to change the rules to allow for certain

Isn’t it amazing what people will believe when it supports their narrative?

It’s for a place like Seattle, where I live. We have many strategic targets but they’re all at least 10-100 miles from each other. These babies allow you to set off a warhead over each target, or even two per target just to be sure. This weapon is literally the only thing I worry about, military-wise.

Wow. That is one expensive hunk of shit.

Funny, it doesn’t sound anything like Ryan, and the clarity and volume are obviously far different from the rest of the presser. It’s obviously a cameraman or reporter irritated that they are covering the event. Which, to be fair, was indeed a big fucking waste of time.

This is most of one side of my family, and it’s dead on. The part that’s missing is that most of them vote the way they do because of the house they were raised in, and not because of how they live and what their needs are today. That, combined with the ‘did it all myself’ attitude mentioned in that post is why

That’s a nice idea, but I don’t think you have any real grasp of how much the human race would have to change to implement this. Transportation of goods requires using some sort of fuel. We don’t have the technology to move heavy goods without burning a fair amount of fuel along the way. So we’d have to either find a

Now if McDonalds could just share with me how to keep a hamburger from rotting for over a decade my home kitchen would be complete.

Couldn’t agree more.

Huh? What did you say? I’m busy over here trying to figure out how I can get a tech job abroad son, now leave me alone.

BINGO. To which the end result is a society with no respect for laws, and a government that doesn’t feel the need to follow them. How are we supposed to be a nation that leads if we don’t even follow our own rules?!

Well, how do you define minimum? At some point the services will go down, so therefore absolute minimum is zero. That’s a hard one to sell. :)

I make a mess of everything on principle because well, I’m a difficult person, but I recognize most people don’t have the time or energy for that.