The Observer

I don’t really understand the argument of this article.

Christ, can you imagine Esposito saying it to you in person? It would be humbling.

If Marvel can axe Terrence Howard and replace him with Don Cheadle, they can pull the same with Letitia Wright.

I think that’s the point. Peacemaker isn’t exactly a good guy

Not really loving this show.  Shame, the comic was so good.

The show has not established that Yorick is that important at all, because the show has done a terrible job of explaining what is going on.

Just how do you think ala carte was going to work? As it is streaming services are the modern day cable channels that you can subscribe to and drop at will. Even with several of them combined it cheaper than even most basic cable packages.

GOP come get your boy.

She’d be perfect for some role on The Mandalorian. You know, because of all the lawlessness.

My favorite part about Tim Scott is he seems like he’s trying to set himself up for a Presidential run as if the GOP would actually ever nominate the guy who’s only job is to stand there and make them look not racist.

Key detail that I think is very much worth highlighting:

Worth remembering that Ed doesn’t show up until almost halfway through the series and bails before the finale, so, er, not really. The show survived fine without Ed being in it. And it's clear Ed will be in this version, just not yet.

As a long time fanboy? This looks good as hell. If youre not down with it, thats cool, but for me it looks like delightful and silly fun.

I unabashedly prefer Moffat, but it’s hard to be anything but relieved at this news. I’ve hardly seen anything play out as poorly as, “They got the guy who wrote Dinosaurs on a Spaceship? Well, maybe it won’t be too bad...”

I can’t really speak to the quality of the last few seasons as I’ve always just kind of caught a few episodes of the show every couple years at random, but I have enjoyed following discussion of it ever since the Russell Davies era and it feels like the show has always been on the brink of disaster from an idiot

I entered the Whittaker era so excited to defend it from sexist/racist trolls, and Chibnall has made that impossible because it’s dreadful.

I agree with Darren here. This is indeed a very fitting epitah for the Chibnall era. He almost Eric-Sawarded it right off a cliff. Utterly appalling writer.

I mean, I’m thrilled, so maybe don’t speak for all of us?

Of course, the same might be said of your opinion.