Darren Criss should seriously win everything for his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan. He was amazing.
Darren Criss should seriously win everything for his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan. He was amazing.
I also read that biography and this was the first thing that I thought of...
I really love this movie. If its on TV, I will just zone out and watch it. It is a good time.
I don’t get it either-especially the Hamilton technique of throwing away the shot-like, someone insulted you, so you’re going to go there and shoot in the air and hopefully he shoots in the air and everything is cool again?
I really like the Weeknd...but I feel this.
I refuse to believe anyone is going to have sex with him ever
There was just an article out about how no one will date anyone in the trump admin.
I hate the kids more than their father.
Who would ever have sex with him ?
hardly original. She steals her designs and that’s probably the nicest thing anything can say about her.
She’s not, surprisingly. That’s actually footage of me with one kid.
My husband has three brothers and I am constantly asking my mother in law how she coped with raising them-anytime all four of them are together in my house I am extremely overwhelmed by there being absolutely NO SPACE.
after having one child, I am in this camp.
This story is incredible! A completely unprovoked attack?! And she got nothing in recompense?
I know, was this the best photo they could find because yikes.
I follow an anti-MLM reddit and the number of people posting examples of people using Kate Spade’s death as a sales tool is shocking. Have some damn decency.
wait what!!?
No kidding. She’s screwed whatever she does. If she wants to try to help people, go for it.
Loved this book...especially ridiculous that her mom hated her because she went into labor while trying to rescue her cheating dad from drowning in a swamp???
That would look so beautiful on her