
Fuck yes. Pimento loaf. Or liverwurst. She's low-grade, filler-brimmed beef based liverwurst. That shit is nasty.

Why are you quoting shit from almost 20 years ago? Why are you on here?

Keep copying and pasting talking points from Stormfront. Funnily enough, Asians outperform whites on IQ tests. So, why are they not the dominant makeup in Baxter and Baxter- whiteboy club law firms or given top positions in fields other than technology jobs if racial dominance is clearly about intellectual prowess?

Yeah, man, leave turkey bacon out of this. Associating such a delicious alternative to bacon with this privileged chick is turning my stomach.

She got to go to another school in Lou-weezy-ana, so I don't see the problem she has here. She's an idiot is her problem.

Three people to write an article someone could drudge up from an archived tripod or angelfire website? This counts for journalism these days?