
I feel like the import ban is just ridiculous here. I feel like in general a crime is only a crime if a person or group is in some way harmed, or going to be harmed. (financially, physically, mentally etc). These cars though don’t harm much anyone. Maybe a case could be made on emissions, but then we’d have to crack

The comedy of it all is claiming that the 25-year exemption for emissions and safety regulations is to keep unsafe, “dirty” cars out.

If they want to get REALLY cute...

Are you really sure Jason?
I mean, really REALLY sure?

Diesel is only dying because it’s being killed. Truck diesels are flourishing, while passenger diesels have effectively been legislated out of existence to ease competition on American manufacturers.

That kind of argument, in my view, is kind of insane. Bosche sells a tool (or in this, a digital toolkit) that others use to get stuff done. The fact that others abuse the tool is not their problem.


Actually that seems reasonable to me. Limiting sex to just one person in the office and that it can’t be someone you report to or who reports to you is actually very logical and reasonable.

Seems pretty reasonable. Acknowledgement that abstinence-only company policies will be taken no more seriously than abstinence-only education, puts in stuff that shouldn’t have to be specified but is because people love lawyers and pretending there’s a problem, and an awkward joke about what the no

What has my life become that I’m looking at dyno results on a lawnmower engine?!?

“MotoGP Champ Nicky Hayden In Serious Condition After Being Hit By Car On A Bicycle”

I’m commenting only to put 84 gallons into perspective.

I don’t want to make it seem like I’m defending the state or the oil company, but small spills like this this really do happen every day, not just with oil companies, but in any industry that deals with quantities of oil/fuel. It probably didn’t even occur to anybody in the government to make an announcement about it.

They likely dug a containment trench around it and and used an absorbent to soak it up and then dispose of it properly. 84 gallons is a very, very, very minor spill.

Those are the worst

Kudos to you!

It’s in the X-files.

“eperimental SEAL submarine.” - Seems to be missing that x factor that would make it really cool.

Activates first gear and reverse gear at the same time. Allows the transmission to build line pressure while the car stays stationary.

I have to wonder why FCA didn’t just put a roll cage and proper harness in this from the factory. I mean they are making it standard with 1-seat and it’s obviously a dedicated drag car so why half ass it?