The only thing I asked you to do for this comment section was put on clothes, and you didn't do it.
The only thing I asked you to do for this comment section was put on clothes, and you didn't do it.
It runs in the family!
It works for any Ayatollah!
That explains all the cutaways to confessionals.
That was supposed to be humor?
I don't remember that Gaga album.
You're going to be desperately lost if you don't start with season 17.
I'm also surprised at some of the characters who've had fewer lines than Troy McClure, given how long its been since we lost Phil Hartman.
The Simpsons are going to Springfield!
Funny guy!
pop culture and food, apparently.
Dude…Michael Schur, Ted Danson and Kristen Bell….It's going to take a lot more than one sit-down with a former LOST writer to get me Lindelof this train.
Reagan is responsible for damn near every problem we've had since the 80s, so if your point is in the long run, people shouldn't be afraid of Trump, maybe find a better example.
Well thanks for clicking on this article to let us all know how much you wanted to avoid it!
The first step is admitting it.
And the worst song she ever made somehow wasn't as terrible as the three comments I've read by you thus far in this thread.
Trump's wall won't keep out the Dragons.
Well, Oliver DID host the Daily Show for several months a couple years back, so I'm pretty sure he's proven he can do four nights a week already.
I already have a tool that informs me men are talking too much and its called Donald Trump.