The Nursing Home Ninja

Not a quarter! She'll be telling you your fortune for hours!

No one saw this coming.

Maybe you should see a Doctor about that.

It probably says something about my Trek fandom that when I read "Or even… Archer?," it took me a moment to realize we weren't talking about Sterling Archer.

The Donald has a great relationship with the Christs.

That would explain why it was entertaining.

Rihanna's huge in the future.

Try lighting it on fire.


Well, I imagine beginning his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists played a role in this perception. Also, the fact that he suggested closing the American border to anyone who happens to be Muslim. Oh, and yeah, that time he refused to disavow the views of David Duke (you know….of KKK fame). All of this is only

No one disputes this. That's why white people don't need a movement. Nor do we need to make an important movement about the importance of black lives about ourselves.

Perry is starring on another bad CBS show (a remake of The Odd Couple) these days. It's still work though, I guess!

Really none of them have done completely awful. As much better a show as Seinfeld was, I'd say all of the cast of Friends had better post-hit show careers than Jason Alexander or Michael Richards.

Brains and beauty! It's like people can't be placed neatly into three separate categories!

Let me understand, you got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen? You see my point here? You only hear of a hen, a rooster and a chicken. Something's missing!

You talk as if doing her job and being a terrible human being are mutually exclusive.

Its nice to know in this crazy election season that Bernie found time to record a Hanukkah song!

I've seen his attempts at Simpson's impressions. This guy would have been terrible as an actor too. Maybe he could've settled for rodeo clown or something.

I thought blu ray already killed that off?

Hey, she moved to Minnesota years ago and we're not about to take credit for her now!