
This isn't a news site.

No, it's definitely not a crime. But neither is what CNN did. So calling it extortion or blackmail is a bridge (over trolls) too far for me.

You mean doing their jobs?

"Yeah he's racist whereas people here are just dumb sometimes, so what?"

So, 1 hour?

It's not newsworthy and apparently they didn't report his name after he requested that they don't, is the way I understand it.

"Focus on the fact that the president tweeted a violent meme by an obvious racist."

If the guy should be blaming anyone it should be himself, then Trump and then maybe, CNN.

"Sure, but he basically just posted dumb shit online."

How much effort did it take?

He was obviously promoting the meme because he tweeted it.

The GIF isn't the issue. The issue is that the POTUS tweeted a meme by an anti-semite and hasn't acknowledged that. It's not surprising. But that's the story.

Which is the actual story that many here are ignoring.

Well, I obviously disagree.

You're right. They should have just named him.

"If that isn't a threat I don't know what is."

I was wondering where I'd seen that photo. I couldn't remember. Thanks.

No, that's what you're not getting. They didn't threaten him. He asked that they not report his identity and they agreed to do so conditionally.


You might if he came to you and apologized and didn't do it anymore.