I thought there was some overlap. Could have sworn I saw some horns. Whatever.
I thought there was some overlap. Could have sworn I saw some horns. Whatever.
I love Factions. Here's to them also adding a "horde" mode for this one.
It's Pee Pee Pants City over here. The good kind.
Where did that date come from? Did they say on the show what year it is?
See, I thought it was Wyatt's crew. Are they the same?
It's not show-ruining, but maybe a bit unfair to the audience. Although I'm not sure what the fix could have been other than hiring someone youngish that looks like Ed Harris or the opposite.
I'm still distracted by the fact that the actors who play William look/act nothing alike.
It obviously is sympathetic to the hosts but I don't know that we can say that for certain.
I didn't catch the tablet stuff. I was just curious. With all the puppet strings being pulled, I wasn't sure even that was part of the code.
How do we know it was independent?
"…we find out that Ford really wasn’t the bad guy after all…"
I don't think you're sorry at all…
It would be cool though if the big bad villain was named "Megan" though.
It's very Terminator-y.
I think the thing that bothered me was they didn't really delve into the concept much at all. It was just kind of there.
Yeah, I can see that. I'm not sure if this is the case, but it seemed to inspire the Terminator maybe? The end when the robot starts chasing is good. But overall, I expected more from what I remembered.
Maybe that's what was being 3D printed in that secret lab under his family home.
I re-watched the original Westworld film over the weekend. It kind of sucks really.