
Daryl used the last rocket to just start a fire in the Alexandrian lagoon because he was out of matches.

I think there would be a lot less complaints about the trajectory of this show if everyone had to binge watch it instead of watching one episode a week. The stuff the reviewer notes about how this episode wasn't all misery, death, etc., there was hope, etc.—that's a big part of the future of the story. Glad it was

I actually know that you know I'm not obligated to read it yet here you are with another whiny rebuttal. You were saying something about self-awareness?

Speaking of a lack of self-awareness, you seem to be operating under the delusion that I'm obligated to read your bullshit or take anything you say seriously.

Nope, I'll still be here wondering why people watch a show they dislike. Thanks though!

NOT killing Glenn doesn't automatically become a good narrative choice either. In fact, for Maggie's arc, the death is essential.

I actually kind of like the Whisperers. Creepy. That is still going on. My point was that they're working on rebuilding things and have gotten farther than they have in the past.

Curiously enough, after that is when a lot of things are set up that answer some of the complaints about where the show is going and what its endgame is.

How much do you want to know of the rest of the plot?

How do you know it was unnecessary?

I'm actually usually skeptical of criticism of the writing because it implies that the skeptic knows better than professional writers who do it for a living. Not that they are infallible artistes, it just rings kind of hollow. It often seems like shorthand for saying one doesn't like a particular plot development,

Are you referring to me? Because I'm not criticizing people's choices other than, if the show isn't working for you, why not just step away?

And that's fine. I don't experience such highs and lows on it. Some eps are better than others though for sure. I didn't like the "flu" arc, I didn't really like the hospital/Beth arc. Still kind of mad about Andrea's character being killed off for no reason. But I still really enjoy the show. I'm fascinated how it

If you want campy, watch Z Nation. This show doesn't need that. It isn't always great, but most things aren't. It's interesting to me how much people nit pick it.

That's cute coming from a guy who just threw a tantrum about a TV show.

Bye. Also, see you next week.

I think a lot of the criticisms and apparent outright disdain for the show is often based around it not being "The Wire or Breaking Bad". That bugs people because it's so popular. Expectations are high. But once you let that go, the show is good for what it is.

And that's weird.

Walking Dead.

Ok. Bye.