The Noble Renard

Legit have played this song on repeat maaaaybe 40-50 times since it came out. It’s such a great earworm!

I work in an office surrounded by women. I’m one of the very few men here. And yet, somehow I manage to treat them like normal people and not sexually harass them.

Yes! The most recent season seems like Paul is deliberately trying to make himself seem nicer because you just KNOW there’s a major scandal (not the Nazi uniform one) coming about him soon.

Nope, not since the Great Unblackening.

Kagan is a little socially awkward in general and my lord do these pictures make that clear. Love her though, but not like bae RBG.

Genuinely jealous you got to watch what is absolutely the most entertaining thing in weeks. 

For me it’s the environment of Origins. I loved Egypt as a kid. One of my favorite places in New York City was the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Temple of Dendur. So for me, the environment Origins was set in more than outweighed my few issues with it (gameplay gets pretty repetitive after a while + fairly shallow

The day after Trump’s election I had a regularly-scheduled annual physical. My blood pressure was 165, which was close to “go to a hospital.” Thankfully, it’s gotten better since then, but it was a good reminder that panic and stress is really, really bad for the heart.

Eh, I kind of felt the same way about Hidden Ones, which was a bit of a letdown; just kill three dudes, then the final dude is NOT hard to get to and is just a standard assassination, then it’s over.

Public defender, I’d bet my left arm. Unfortunately, lots of them suck, though lots are great.

Ugh, fuck. I bought Odyssey on the Steam Sale but also bought the Curse of the Pharoahs expansion to Origins and have resolved to finish that first (I figure I won’t want to go back to Origins after starting Odyssey, and also figure that Odyssey will have patched/tweaked the game into an even better state the longer I


I haven’t! It’s on my list of “things I want to get around to watching but haven’t”

That’s the thing they had a problem with? Not the fact that during the same hearing he refused to say that there had been a family separation policy and that, when asked what he would have done differently during family separation, his sole response was “We should have leaned forward more on explaining the whole

The AV Club review of this asked “Ts this the first Yorgos Lanthimos film that can be called genuinely fun?” 

I didn’t get around to seeing the Lobster but I really want to see this. Olivia Colman is magnificent in everything I’ve seen her in and she looks amazing here too.

Absolutely there’s a double standard, but I really don’t think it makes sense to paint the Women’s March participants with a broad negative brush as ashamed Trump supporters or that kind of thing. Millions and millions of women voted against Trump, and all evidence is that they were the vast majority of the

I think at 52% (or 53%, depending on source) of White female voters at least one of the marches had to have some small amount of (likely former?) previous Trump supporters.

Calling for Al Franken’s resignation, however, is not among the reasons to think Gillibrand might not be the right person for the job. In fact, if she’s pissing off these absolute fucking ghouls—whose support she’d probably only have anyway if she promised to shut down any kind of left economic agenda in the

No, that’s his brother Andrew, governor of New York. Who is by far the worst Cuomo brother, but that’s not saying much.