The Noble Renard

Read this story with a growing sense of horror throughout at the complete disaster it’ll cause. But for me, the bit that sums it up the most is this quote from the woman who’s responsible:

I also enjoy “Defendants’ response beggars belief.

While I’ve never done that, I have wrote “Are you fucking kidding me” legal briefs, and boy are they satisfying to write. It’s always fun when you secretly write a brief so that “you fucking idiot” could go at the end of most declarative sentences.

You’re a rockstar!

“Staff members took it upon themselves to use prepaid cards from one of our more than 700 field offices to buy baby wipes, diapers, water, fruit and granola bars, and donate them to a local humanitarian nonprofit (Annunciation House) that helps mothers and children in the community,” O’Rourke spokesman Chris Evans tol

Yeah, I saw this last night and pulled a “Hmmmmmm” face. I think they’re way, way, way premature to file this lawsuit. 

You’re basically right; the “standing” (the concept that one needs to have been injured to bring a lawsuit) is incredibly weak here. You can certainly bring a lawsuit challenging access to the border and to asylum, but doing so with plaintiffs who have yet to be denied access is far more difficult. For instance, if

Man who made reputation filming sex scenes accused of being exploitative and abusive to women accused of exploiting and abusing women. SHOCK!

I can genuinely believe this piece of shit used to vote Democrat. There are a lot of white shitheads who felt like they could get away with their racism because they’d voted for a black president. Then when Trump came around, they suddenly realized they had the opportunity to be racist in public and started to resent

Honestly, because even Serious Journalists sometimes want to get together in a room and laugh at an idiot. Lightens their day a bit.

The fact that the two of them soldiered on with their press conference in light of the incredibly amazing internet drubbing they got yesterday is honestly hysterical and sad at the same time. This is what happens when a 20-year-old has already gone through a major legal proceeding and got off with a slap on the wrist.

The UK’s free speech protections are substantially less robust than American free speech protections. Everything you’ve said is true under American law, but may be completely untrue under UK law.

I completely agree. That’s what I often do in my roughly 60 minutes of daily playtime; one or two side missions and some exploring.

I do options 1 & 2. My partner gets up earlier than I normally would on work days, so I just get up with her and spend the morning playing video games while she gets ready for work.

But good try and bonus points for the effort on “settled law” me or cite me ONE case that has dealt with this exact issue?

... does Zinke not know that Arlington Cemetary is only on Robert E. Lee’s property because the Union did it to spite Lee?

That’s like the fifth beer I owe you, BTW. Bravo.

I love her. So glad to see that a bright rising star like her is getting the attention she deserves.

Nah, it’s just dumb posturing. Someone asked her if the President was considering it and she probably didn’t even know what those were so basically just said “Not ruling anything out” and moved on. It was a non-answer.

Oh, I know. And to be clear, I don’t actually expect him to be denied access to the process. But I want to make him have to justify that shit in a letter to the Character and Fitness committee.