The Noble Renard

I do options 1 & 2. My partner gets up earlier than I normally would on work days, so I just get up with her and spend the morning playing video games while she gets ready for work.

But good try and bonus points for the effort on “settled law” me or cite me ONE case that has dealt with this exact issue?

... does Zinke not know that Arlington Cemetary is only on Robert E. Lee’s property because the Union did it to spite Lee?

That’s like the fifth beer I owe you, BTW. Bravo.

I love her. So glad to see that a bright rising star like her is getting the attention she deserves.

Nah, it’s just dumb posturing. Someone asked her if the President was considering it and she probably didn’t even know what those were so basically just said “Not ruling anything out” and moved on. It was a non-answer.

Oh, I know. And to be clear, I don’t actually expect him to be denied access to the process. But I want to make him have to justify that shit in a letter to the Character and Fitness committee.

Welcome to the very ancient principles of a student-run body politic. Things like honor courts exist at almost all universities and are a relic of the days when universities were much more about taking your place in society than about education of the masses.

Nah, LIC isn’t as bad as SI. Basically just Williamsburg these days.

I’ve made a scientific map showing why Staten Island shouldn’t be part of New York City.

Honor Courts and other such student-body-run judicial institutions are often jokes, but this is even more of a sick joke than normal. The idea that this guy would give her a fair hearing is absolutely laughable.

If the person who’s been identified as the shooter truly is the shooter, then yeah, he was ranting about Trump not going far enough to stop the Jews and the “invaders,” a word Trump has repeatedly used.

A few years back the Washington Post wrote a particularly moving post about a similar situation to that, entitled “The homeless man who went to Harvard Law with John Roberts,” about a guy who lives on the streets in DC but was a successful lawyer for some time before his issues manifested. I highly recommend the read.

You’ve got to up your game, get some TomatoFace kind of shtick going on if you really want people to remember you. Random insults just aren’t that memorable, man.

Real talk, I’m definitely going to see an opera that Anthony Roth Costanzo is in, Akhnaten, when it premiers at the Met next year. I’m fucking psyched for it too, for a 3+ hour Phillip Glass experience.

Awww, you’re cute. Brand new account and everything. Old one get banned?

Best trial lawyering I’ve ever seen was a public defender with dyed blue and pink hair who just completely played the best “I’m just a regular gal trying to make things a bit less complicated” role. She destroyed a prosecutor trying to be a stern, righteously angry man.

I’m the Grand Viceroy of the Principality of Lichtendorf von Winklestein, that’s why.

Avenatti is an opportunistic shitfuck. And you can quote me on that.

Oh good. I’ll skip it as much as possible.