The Noble Renard

I’m just going to steal Ashley Feinberg’s tweet on this one:

I always had it in my head that people in office just say this so their base believes it. It never occurred to me that they actually believe it themselves.

He wrote the fucking Travel Ban at the age of 31. That is not a goddamn joke.

I’m going to violently celebrate if we win the midterms, which is to say, I’ll have two scotches. Truly, us progressives are history’s greatest monsters.

My mom swears by it for her joint pain (in topical form), so if you trust my mom, go for it.

I chuckled at your description of CBD as something that’s very expensive at the health store, since my hippy-ish mom swears by CBD oil for inflammation and overall general pain and she’s exactly the kind of person who goes to health stores... all the time.

You know that after they swarmed the hot dog stand they were all going to go get in line at the TKTS booth and try to find some last-minute seats for Dear Evan Hansen.

Yeah but a tourist getting blazed on edibles and hanging out at the hot dog cart in Times Square is like... 100% a thing that is happening right now.

Not that there’s anything wrong with being a paralegal, though! They get a lot of very undeserved condescension from the asshole lawyers in our profession :)

My sincere apologies for misgendering you; I usually try to be more clear about ambiguity when it comes to commenter gender and I should have just referred to you by your username. That said, I am actually a white man, so, looks like we both goofed.

Except of course that making money off of representing someone equals profit and the NAACP is a non profit organization.

Well, if you wanted a short answer, here you go:

Not only could the NAACP make money but these victims can also receive money for their pain and suffering. If that is not what they do, again I’m wondering why the not?

That Matthew Dowd one made me laugh so hard when I saw it on Twitter.


Having two dozen people, many of them children, killed in a suicide bombing at one of her concerts. I cannot imagine the guilt she must have gone through, even though she was physically okay.

I cannot fathom how this is reported, investigated, confirmed and then ignored for decades.

The thing that I don’t get is how... normal all of this was for people of the Boomer and older generations. Like... people just accepted that there were teachers/priests/authority figures who were “creeps” who preyed on children. And all our parents/grandparents did was just warn their own kids to “Stay away from Mr.