
My rage at the loss of Millihelen has started to mellow a bit, but hot DAMN! I’m still mad. As others have said, this was a welcoming, non-judgy little part of the Internet for Laydeeeez, full of insightful commenters bringing their own real world experience. I met Don’tBeSuchaBoobPunchTina, my fellow fortysomething

I never realized anyone, let alone Nicki Minaj, gave a crap about a VMA.

I really hate how all this went down, but you don't really get to argue for editorial freedom when you've proven yourself incapable of wielding such freedom responsibly and ethically.

It’s ok to be really pissed off about the breach of the editorial wall, but holding this offense up as a defense against ever having to address the actual subject matter, and, you know, use some judgement and morals and have some compassion, is completely tone-deaf and makes you look a lot like the types of people

When a friend makes a mistake you tell him. Not enable him.

I appreciate the article but I honestly just want to chime in that I find it inappropraite to shoehorn in a line on an unrelated matter at the bottom of the article. While I agree with the blacklivesmatter movement and have issues with the police treatment of them that issue has nothing to do with this case at hand.

“Holmes will now enter the death penalty sentencing phase, but let’s be frank about this: if he was any color besides white, he’d be almost three years in the ground.”

Yeah, it doesn’t deter shit, so that’s a specious argument. It’s immoral, grossly expensive, and inhumane.

I am relieved that he was found guilty, but I am, as always, completely against the death penalty.

We went full cheapo with our videographer — handed a camcorder to a good friend and told him to go wild. A full thirty minutes of it is a turtle in a pond, sitting on a rock, and dragonflies flitting around and our friend going, “ooooh, coooool.” (Apparently he got bored before the ceremony and just a bit after.) To

Why not take the money you spent on same-day video editing and plow it into better booze at the open bar?

Oklahoma is what the right wing would like for all of America to look like, statistically. The state is incredibly poor and uneducated. People work for comically low wages and attack anyone who tries to change that (proactively passing Right To Work when something like 2% of the workers in the state are unionized;

“He should’ve had a better welcome than he had,” Sequoya Turner, a lifelong Oklahoma resident, told Politico before bursting into tears.

Yes, you totally do.

Nobody has banned the confederate flag.

The epitome of class.

i am bummed i wont get to hear mean. or our song.

i hadn’t heard about this. and i don’t believe a word the police have said about it so far.

Whenever I hear somebody use female as a noun while referring to humans, it is an immediate sign to me that whatever is coming out of their mouth will be deeply rooted in misogyny. I have yet to be wrong.