I miss them already you guys
I personally find being able to play an instrument to be completely non essential to being a great pop star. Like, Beyonce is a better pop star than Gaga despite never having a song with herself as the only songwriting credit. I mean, a session musician could do what Gaga does.
I do not want to repurpose that term. The Radical Republicans were fucking cool. They were the ones that wanted to end slavery and punish the South for their insolence.
Well, Mississippi is a very religious state, and let’s not forget these important words Jesus spoke about abortion:
And then her 45 joke. Fantastic!
Not defending the abuse but Catholic Charities is second only to the states at providing social services to the needy. Foster care, mental health, special needs education, adoption services, etc.
Oh come on. I’m a former Catholic and now atheist, and I’m disgusted by allegations of abuse. But religious groups, especially Catholic ones, contribute substantial amounts to charities and non profits and that money can keep an organization and thus its clients afloat. Signed, a social services worker primarily…
I found myself fondly reminiscing the days when tying your dog in its crate to the roof of your car was an authentic election season scandal. Life was simpler then.
They don’t have knees on that bottom image. Photoshop of horror just in time for Halloween.
Hey Slot - put your tech wizards on this to enlarge the pages. It’s even more laughably bad than you think it’s gonna be!
No. No one has ever said believe everything and never question anything with respect to sexual assault.
What people say is:
“Believe. Then investigate.” Ms. Erderly failed to follow through with the second prong of that statement.
Really it’s just journalism 101. Get a 2nd source to confirm, or don’t report it. It doesn’t matter if it’s rape or genocide.
Mike Lanza, a dad and tech entrepreneur from Menlo Park, California, thinks we’re experiencing a crisis in…