
But how was the food?!

Team Mary 100%. She has the best eyerolls, the best clothes, and her vagina is a literal assassin

My aunt loves antiques, they’re all over the house. The dolls in the guestroom just makes sense, plus I know my uncle would never put up with them in their bedroom. But yeah, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve tried to go to sleep in the pitch-black darkness, with my phone next to me, thinking about how if I

I think by the time anyone hits 30, you have had at least one job that’s worse than being a nanny in a haunted house.

Thank youfor this beautiful piece. I am so tired of every portrayal of our culture as misogynistic. Yes it exists but there are plenty of progessive people of all ages and all walks of life. When people judge the entirety of “Indian culture” on what they hear of India in sensational news stories, its like if the whole

I can’t believe I am the first person to utter the obvious and corny “Lorde of the Rings.”

“80% dudes” because of historically, systemically men belittling and keeping women out of it (not to mention women not being allowed in the work place or having disposable income that wasn’t their husbands to buy an automobile) doesn’t seem like a good enough reason for a gender neutral product. Its a different world,

Boring person reveals deep ignorance about power dynamics surrounding gender, decides to write a comment about own ignorance. Also simultaneously sounds gratingly pretentious WHILE being incredibly ignorant. You, my friend, hit the I-never-want-to-talk-to-you jackpot.

I think the only rational response to being exposed to Zendaya is to obsess over her! So obsess away...

Since she’s a critic she’d have to attend opening night, which, at a large theater like Steppenwolf, is going to be sold out.

lmao i spent like 20 minutes explaining it to my blonde, republican, debutante mother over a fancy dinner and she was practically waxing poetic praising it by the end. it was pretty bizarre.

unrelated, but my manperson thinks it’s hilarious that i truly admire and love the lyric “real gs move in silence like lasagna” (and a few other choice lines from 6foot) and always says “that’s why they call it window pain” back to me :)

She is very cute for a danger water cow.

!!!!!! Not so cuddly then haha. More like.... squishy. As in I get squished.

This is foul. The attitude displayed in this comment is exactly the reason why children from groups that have been systemically margainlized and oppressed in this country have to jump over extra hurdles just to get on and equal footing, only to have people like you keep adding more. You questioned the integrity of the

“I don’t want to take anything away from any of these kids.”

after a witness identified him as one of three men who had stolen her cell phone in a Walmart parking lot.

I recommend maybe journaling nightly?