
what’s the word for an irish guido?

As my Papa, may he rest in peace, used to say: “I get the feeling that boy’s family tree is just a stump.”

I read it as ‘with out Nair’ and was like “ah, a riff on the ol’ ‘without pain’ thing. Wait.”

To be fair, she is brilliant. Evil, but brilliant.

I think I’ve seen one of the Judi Dench ones with her shoplifting in a supermarket. Took me a moment to work out it wasn’t an actual video of Judi Dench!

According to this picture and my steller imagination, Kellyann Conjob is the upside down version of Reese.

I think bees get a bad rep due to both their representation in cartoons as being vicious motherfuckers, and that people also lump wasps/hornets in there and “bee” turns into a catch-all term.

Make a bee house!

Wow, that is quite an error! It’s sure a shame there isn’t a federal agency to protect the environment from such things. Maybe the President could create one? He could call it the Extremely-good President-who-totally-respects-and-cares-about-the-environment Agency, or EPA for short.

A paddy wagon obviously. He is about the same amount of Black as me and my Black parents. He was not raised in isolation, he is from Columbus, Ohio, where lots of Black people are from. He started rapping as a small child in the 90s—rap is Black music. His father is either half or more Black, and his mother is purely Black. It

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

Oh, for God’s sake, let’s not go overboard. He was a shit president who got us into a ridiculous war (to save our “ally” the King of Kuwait?!), imposed wretched anti-gay orders (ie: deporting HIV+ immigrants, gay men could’t donate blood - these cruel and misguided laws stood until Obama fixed them), and tanked the

No, invasive species are not just weeds. Invasive species are non-native weeds that choke out native plants and destroy existing ecosystems.

For those of you living in urban areas or apartment buildings, don’t think that you can’t help out the bees! I have a small balcony in a large city and I was so happy the other year to see that some of my container plants were VERY popular with some local bees. I spent tons of time out there reading or enjoying the

Forgot Social Justice Ninja Assassins -- they slay by letting people hoist themselves on their own petard or hang themselves with juuuust enough rope.

I’ve been reading articles where Trump voters talk about how this health care will screw them but then say they are not sorry for voting for Trump. This reminds me of that experiment that time when they gave a rat a choice between pushing a button to get food or pushing a button to activate electrodes in his brain