My stance: If it benefits the player and bungie hasn’t explicitly called it out or fixed it then it’s an undocumented perk/feature.
My stance: If it benefits the player and bungie hasn’t explicitly called it out or fixed it then it’s an undocumented perk/feature.
Hmm, I actually find the DS4 to already be pretty darn tiny, on the verge of being nearly uncomfortable because it seems designed for smaller hands.
Talk louder and slower. Works in foreign countries, should work with deaf people too, right?
Thanks, Jason, for your reporting.
Removable doors ✅
I’d consider watching Shep Smith on a real network.
*Immediately starts looking for Ecco the Dolphin*
*Realizes Ecco isn’t on the list of games*
quick someone tweet to him about how NK is getting help from lunarians and see how long it takes him to actually declare war on the moon
Pshaw! Everyone knows the moon isn’t real. It was put there by Stanley Kubric when he went to space to fake the Apollo 11 mission.
This. I so want to see hip flip the fuck out and do something that will not only take him out of office but leave him babbling on the White House lawn in his underwear but make everyone who voted for him feel like an ignorant fuck. But I’m sure there’s a high price to pay for that.
And STILL nothing will be done. He could come running out onto the White House lawn tomorrow, butt naked covered in his own feces and screaming at the top of his lungs that there are little purple people feeding on his brain and the most we’d get from these assholes in the GOP would be some ‘very concerned’s and maybe…
So, is everyone in on the betting pool about how he’ll finally crack? My bet is still on declaring war on the moon.
I’m all for Trump going down in flames, as long as he doesn’t take us all with him.
The nuclear football is not a big red staples button that launches the all our nukes. Thank God.It simply allows the president to order the use of nuclear weapons.
Fair, but you would think they’d be more likely to ramrod them through with Pence anyway- Trump has been as antagonistic to the GOP as anyone else, he’s more likely to refuse a tax plan simply out of spite than anything so he can ‘win’. Pence would just sign the documents and go back to eating his plain oatmeal and…
...he had no strategic reason for this, simply that he saw the slope ....
“the vast majority” of Republicans think Trump is putting the country “on the path to World War III.”
They should just show him the graph again in a few months, but turned upside down. He won’t know the difference.
This is so absurd. We...are so absurd.