
I remember seeing one at an HRE car show, and thinking what the hell is that thing

came here to say essentially the same thing. My VW is still amazing 10 years later, and was barely a year old when I got it.

I think I lucked out with my former rental, it was only a year old, only had 34k miles. It was a VW and was being sold used by a VW dealer. I’ve had it 10 years, and the only major work it needed was a new passenger door because it got scrapped up in a valet lot, and now the roof liner is sagging. Otherwise I love it

I get your argument, but unless Sony somehow starts making money elsewhere, they aren’t going to stop making PlayStation, because i was under the impression that PlayStation is keeping Sony afloat.

Honestly...good I was hate watching at this point, and they were all over the place with the story. Too bad it wont get like a movie or something to wrap up the cliffhanger. 

true, but its hard to to remember a tune of a crappy  short twitter video, granted it may be ultimately forgettable in the movie too, but ill reserve judgement until after i see it in action

I love Danny Elfman, but this is infinitely better then whatever Danny threw together for the theme in the Whedon version. 

Where is Q? I will not rest until Q is confirmed for season 2

The original version is one of the worst sets ever made. The body was hollow and was held together with shitty magnets that never worked. The only thing I have built is the whole command structure and I just display that.

DISNEY/MARVEL should play hardball and cancel all Spider-Man Comics and since they hold the merchandising rights, also stop production on all Spider-Man toys/clothes/knick-knacks, etc. devalue the brand then scoop it up, yeah its the nuclear option but anything to make sure Spidey isnt ruined on screen again

while I enjoyed most of enter the florpus, something still seemed off. And I kinda didn't like the focus on Dib. But again, I only watched the show and have yet to read the comics, so maybe I need to read up, which is probably why I was so confused about minimoose being so involved. 

This is the best news! And one of the best decisions Disney has made in regards to star wars. I hope they use some of John Jackson Miller's Kenobi book for inspiration!!!

There have been a lot of repeat items and tons of delays. But I got an email saying that they had been sold and purchased...

I just want Q, and if he isn’t in the show, or isn’t hinted at, I don’t care how good the show is, I’m not watching a second season...

didn’t a windows phone have both of these features like 4 years ago?

Can this show survive without Coulson? And not this alternate Coulson, I mean real Coulson. 

idk why but I feel like gina carano would make a great big barda

all I ask for is Q to show up. Literally anything could happen on the show and I wouldn't bat an eye, so long as John DeLancie is back as Q. 

is it just me or should they not cast a Charlie, and find a way to splice john forsythe’s voice together from the show, and two other movies to use for this one?

I'm glad Tom mison got some work after what sleepy hollow turned into. And if we could somehow get him and Tom Ellis from lucifer into a show together just being very British and in America observing things I would watch that till my eyes bled....