
Neat! I was the forum member who bought the Miata from Ron, and then posted about it!

You obviously haven’t been bitten by the car collecting bug. If I had this gentleman’s acreage I probably would have twice the amount of cars he has.

The fallacy of false equivalence. The social externalities of a non-running car on your property aren’t anywhere remotely close to those of uranium mining, methmaking, or murder.

Is it overreach when the government tells me I can’t enrich uranium on my own property?

Don’t apologize. Whether he’s a “collector” or a “hoarder” really doesn’t matter.

They did it by mistake!? It really is that easy to have cross play I guess.

One man’s “Enthusiast” is another man’s “Hoarder”.

I’m sorry David, but I believe our gentleman friend, regardless of his cheery disposition, falls into “Hoarder” territory.

If they were running, driven, exhibited, or maintained....maybe I’d change my mind...but nope...we’re in straight hoarder-land here.

Rams will stay for at least a decade since they’re getting a stadium. Charger will go to whatever city offers them the most money for a stadium.

So what’s the end game here, both teams pack up and leave again in like 5 years? We end up with the Mexico City Rams and London Chargers?

She does stand by her beliefs. She did not apologize for what she said, she apologized for ESPN becoming involved.

he was publicly warned multiple times. A lot of what he said would fall under racism, too.

So, to address the elephant in the room

Perhaps a platform where the first line on the page doesn’t read: “Co-host of the 6pm SportsCenter, aka The Six.”

She just needs to make a private twitter for friends and family. I mean, when you have ESPN all over your twitter and tweeting sports story’s, and then all the sudden politics, it kinda makes sense to me.

It’s kinda dumb (weird?) but being an American company I kinda get them(?)

lol, used to work in the QA field, “reproed” means you were able to reproduce whatever bug you’re working on. I’m so used to typing it, “repoed” just turned into “reproed”

<pedantic mode ON>

How dare they try to take that persons car who didn’t pay for it.

Straight outa Compton