Tell me about it, I have to fend off hordes or clueless kids in the comments whenever I point out simple facts that go against their fanboy opinions... though lately I’m making good use of the dismiss button.
Tell me about it, I have to fend off hordes or clueless kids in the comments whenever I point out simple facts that go against their fanboy opinions... though lately I’m making good use of the dismiss button.
Careful, logical and reasoned discussion is a slippery slope in certain parts of the net. Coming in with facts paints a big red target on your back.
Look, I don’t want to be that guy but he wasn’t simply “refused entry” he didn’t have the proper paperwork to gain entry. Simply stating he was refused entry in the title implies there is some injustice or discrimination going on there.
or this will allow the pharmacy industry to start cashing in on that sweet sweet weed money.
People complain a lot about Cory Booker being a corporate sellout and voting to support the pharma industry, but this is a big slap in the face for the pharma industry that is so prominent in NJ. Good on Booker.
I have been DYING for democrats to introduce legislation. Yes, it will probably not pass, but they are showing they have balls and they are actually trying to have a platform.
Now if they can continue this including if they ever get back in power- I think it can only go up.
What kind of monster takes these pictures without a close up of the ingredient list?
It did not, however seem like a sauce McDonald’s would have put out, as it tasted too much like food.
Rick’s going to get the sauce. EVEN IF IT TAKES 9 SEASONS.
Hear hear.
That powered up post apocalyptic neighborhood looks like a created Fallout 4 neighborhood, the interior walls, the powerlines, furniture..brb, gonna do another playthrough with Rick and Morty town..
I loved that moment where that Morty robot gained sentience. Also, that entire subplot with Armothy was hilarious.
You might be happy, but sign me the fuck up for a Pagemaster inspired Rick and Morty.
Superfiest is a blast (often literally). It feel very much like an old school arena shooter with everyone running around with gargantuan power weapons designed for warzone.
I’m using a plasmacaster that can fire 10 grenades in 2 seconds, he’s using a 5 barrelled rpg, and another guy on my team is using a sniper rifle…
Agreed. Also the end-game encounters were extremely uninspired and drug on for way too long. No new mechanics, no new enemies, just more of the enemies that were already annoying to fight on their own! Sigh.
Gunfighter magnum all day. A debate in my circle is, could that be the H4 pistol? On a side note, H4 big team over H5 Big team all day
The campaign was pretty damn boring, but as someone who read the entire Forerunner trilogy, I loved the story. It’s a shame people who read that trilogy probably make up less than 5% of the playerbase. I totally understand why people hate on the new Halos, because without any knowledge of the extended universe, the…
Neverbeen a fan of swat, but I love the action sack playlist. Minotaurs is an amazing gametype. And while theres till does not appear to be anything like reach’s skiball, you can still find some amazing old school wacky game types.
And warzone firefight is the best take on horde ever.
I thought Halo 5 was easily the second best, behind only Reach.
Speak for yourself. Halo 5's multiplayer is easily the best of the series and one of the best multiplayer games of all time.