
I’m just gonna say it, I did not like the book version of the cursed child at all, don’t get me wrong I love the original seven books, but hopefully one day I get to see the stage show because the whole afternoon I spend reading cursed child, I was just bored with the story and I felt no connection to the characters,

it sounds like the floor of the arena is raised, based of the sound of their footsteps, and maybe has some sort of bouncibility(I don’t know if this is a real word, but it sounds right), but I’m just throwing guesses out

San Diego Native here: first point I am not a charger fan, however I like the chargers here because, while expensive, I can go to a game every few years because that’s when my team visits. Second point: Qualcomm Stadium is a dump, while I am not in favor of public funds, the Chargers desperately need a new Stadium, I

After two viewings I will say this the Tarkin CGI is practically flawless, you only notice and nitpick it if your actually looking for it, which I only did on the second viewing, that being said on the second viewing, the Leia CGI is much more glaring, and more “lifeless”, and I’ve said on another post the only thing

as the days go by and more things are “revealed” I lose more and more faith in this movie, my hopes were very high in the beginning, but then we saw the suits, and then the gloomy nature, which I don’t mind in most films except power rangers, and then the odd looking megazord and zords in general, and then the vomit

ima stop you right there, I thought it looked perfect, even leia, although a tad unnecessary, the only thing I found off was the voice for tarkin, but I don’t know a whole lot about peter cushing so I cant really say anything to that.

I wish they would make a new TNG movie instead of another Kelvin timeline film, hell I know everyone is practically fat and old but this is around the time that “all good things...” takes place, granted none of it would play out the same, but heck it could be something, and it even fits with STO which is way more fun

ahh, beat me to it... and i agree with the whole idea of the focus on the handshake, why else would they do that?

OMG I was thinking that last night, I was like if Ford was really creating this story from the beginning(Dolores, Maeve, I bet Felix is working for him), that in no way was that really him getting shot, because we never saw who that host was he

OMG I was thinking that last night, I was like if Ford was really creating this story from the beginning(Dolores, Maeve, I bet Felix is working for him), that in no way was that really him getting shot, because we never saw who that host was he was creating, I also think Bernard and Teddy will not join Dolores in her

im that way about the Han Solo Movie, But Boba Fett is more appealing, like why was he labeled the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy

did infinity ward call 343 because the raven drop ship looks a hell of lot like the pelican, I almost thought it was when i first saw it docked on the flight deck

Tom Kane has such a beautiful voice, and how have i never realized that he could be an excellent Gandalf, other than Sir Ian Mckellan

OMG I never thought of that till now, while I did think it was detective lance the entire episode, when they cut to him waking up with the cut and the “throwing star” I was like WTF, red herring alert, Lance cant really be Prometheus, unless he is being controlled...

OMG I never thought of that till now, while I did think it was detective lance the entire episode, when they cut to him waking up with the cut and the “throwing star” I was like WTF, red herring alert, Lance cant really be Prometheus, unless he is being controlled... 

Seems like another recent futuristic sci-fi shooter *cough* *cough* Halo 5 *cough* *cough*

doesn’t he have like on the highest IQ’s in the world, like 180 or something, but then again most smart people are insane

New Show Idea, Ichabod from Sleepy Hollow(season 1), and Lucifer from Lucifer and all the british hijinks ensue, I only thought of this after watching monday’s lucifer and his reaction to using a cell phone for the first time and it reminded me so Ichabod’s reaction to modern times in the first season of sleepy

how about red dead redemption 2 or read dead revolver reloaded: redemption edition

Where is the next Midnight Club? am i right?