ya i was playing with a couple buddies on Xbone and my friends character was shooting normally and his arms were “holding” the gun, but the gun itself was floating about five fee above his head and firing, so ya that could be a graphical glitch
ya i was playing with a couple buddies on Xbone and my friends character was shooting normally and his arms were “holding” the gun, but the gun itself was floating about five fee above his head and firing, so ya that could be a graphical glitch
280 miles in 10 Hours?? are the roads that bad or out of the way? does Norway not allow anyone to drive faster then 35mph? I can drive that far in California in maybe 5 to 6 hours depending on traffic? Props to Norway’s Fighter pilots though, that’s pretty bad ass of them to provide help?
This is a world,that a windows phone owner like me dreams of, yet sobs uncontrollably when i realize that this world will just never exist....
they do have the portable “briefcases” with screens inside made by thrid parties, well at least for the XBOX One, i know this because my local Microsoft store sells it
San Diego with 11?????? really its beautiful, its like LA without the pretentious D-bags, and its just awesome...
what about IGN’s Star Wars Netflix show? unless that’s real?
ya that what i always thought, but it also depends on who is making the adaptation.
i think superman was still recovering from the two shots of kryptonite gas, and the whole nuke thing, even with the sun reviving him
I wonder what the extended R rated cut will add,
if i’m not mistaken Metropolis and Gotham have been portrayed as twin cities before, but don’t quote me on that, i liked this film way more then the Nolan films, and i feel like Bruce would have some of these dreams, not necessarily the parademon one, but the others for sure, he is a damaged person with a troubled…
we don’t know if the gun is used for killing, or if its even a “gun”, so unless you saw the movie early, don’t you think you should hold off on the criticism??
i totally agree, but when the trailer premiered it looked like the game could or could not take place in a tropical location, so those outfits look tropical, but the faces are way off so its clearly fake.
loved the “purgo” drivers episode
I agree, it was better then nothing though
GameStop did have that exclusive NES 3DS XL like two years ago, too bad we aren’t going to get a SNES one here with the cool purple accents....
I totally agree,exclusivity sucks, but wasn’t the second tomb raider only made because Microsoft funneled them cash for a timed exclusive?
if the game physics are not insane like goat simulator, then already this seems more fun... but not as fun....
I wonder if this is the unidentified flying wing that was talked about at length last week...
its made about 1.5 million dollars for them, and it all goes into the pro tour prize pool, I wouldn’t call it a nightmare, and Warzone is awesome, and you don’t have to pay for the reqpack if you don’t want too.
Just because you identify with a certain political party doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they put out in their platform, and there are plenty of what I would call California Republicans that do not identify with the white old men that control the party, some people care more about other issues, i.e.…