ya its definitely not an easy watch
ya its definitely not an easy watch
yeah, he was great in Fury
after hate watching Gotham last night i have a new theory, the show is actually a a dream being had by either bruce wayne or jim gordons head, and that its not real, and that bruce wayne will never be batman, but jim gordon will be.
this needs to be made now, maybe paramount will want this film instead
i totally agree, but when the trailer premiered it looked like the game could or could not take place in a tropical location, so those outfits look tropical, but the faces are way off so its clearly fake.
so were getting a JLA: Tower of Babel/Justice League Doom, live action or am i just reading too much into this.
Ughh, this is so true, like they dance around the topic so much, the same with Jessica Jones and Daredevil. Like obviously they are trying to not distract the audience with mentioning Iron Man and the Avengers but like I mean really, its as if when you watch the shows and the movies never happened except for a few off…
I thought that Gordon was dead in the synderverse, or was that just a rumor and never confirmed...
loved the “purgo” drivers episode
I agree, it was better then nothing though
my bad, I wasn’t exactly sure which picture you were referring to.
GameStop did have that exclusive NES 3DS XL like two years ago, too bad we aren’t going to get a SNES one here with the cool purple accents....
i’m not saying it was the best, definitely better than last night, and it was all done with Frank Oz pushing for the CGI Yoda...but ESB Yoda is the best.
I totally agree,exclusivity sucks, but wasn’t the second tomb raider only made because Microsoft funneled them cash for a timed exclusive?
totally agree, he looked liked crap, even the prequel CGI Yoda’s looked better, and lets not forget the strange puppet Yoda from TPM, and his proportions were way off on rebels, his feet looked enormous, and his hands were as big as his face.
if the game physics are not insane like goat simulator, then already this seems more fun... but not as fun....
the march in major key, just sounds so wrong...it sounds off and unpleasing, but that’s just my opinion...
in one of the movies it has a flashback that shows huge armies of humans and Pokemon going into battle, but it looked as if it were medieval/classical times so, hundreds if not thousands of years before
I wonder if this is the unidentified flying wing that was talked about at length last week...