
one of my only complaints so far about LoT is you’d think as a time traveling expert Rip Hunter would have clothes that fit the time periods he traveled to, but nope, I hope they travel back in time in an episode and people look at them and go WTF and screw the whole mission over.

i don’t know what Halo your playing but kill-streak rewards don’t happen in Halo 5, and i honestly don’t remember them in Halo 4 for that matter, and its nothing like CoD where you can spawn with a Shotgun, and not every map has a shotgun, but there definitely is a bit of a problem with weapon balance...

wasn’t Gideon created by Barry according to the show...

Can we talk about the not one, not two, but three star wars references in the show last night

even though its non-cannon now the Kenobi book by John Jackson Miller was awesome, even though it only represented a short time frame, and includes A’sharad Hett who would become Darth Krayt in the Legacy Comic.

3 360's and 50+ games, and countless games rented and borrowed not one was ever scracted

now i’m gonna go out on a limb here, but my guess is because the original came out in ‘77 and special effects of that nature were still not super great that’s the reason it sucks with R2-D2, and that just carried over to have it all be the same, and obviously email was barley a thought in the ‘70's so Lucas didn’t

no i agree with the original ESB Yoda, but this looks...

in the trailer Yoda looks like he looks like an animated Muppet version on Yoda,

my local radio morning show has a celebrity death czar to decided if ‘celebrities’ that die even count as celebrities.

i think i read it on this site recently but i also heard a rumor that Lex will don his purple and green power armor at some point, but that’s based off toys which are almost never accurate.

More than Gotham already does? is that even possible?

but now those rumors have evolved into a whole trilogy, starring Ewan McGregor.

there is a cheap bluetooth speaker i saw at kohls of this ship, and the new cross section book has a good look at it.

Six Seasons and a movie!!!!

LEGOLAND California and its hotel do not allow them either...

Now playing

so I’ve watched it three times and have yet to hear the Wilhelm scream, has anyone found it yet, I’m going a fourth time soon, so i will most likely hear it this time...

I’m not going to defend whitewashing in anyway, but in gods of Egypt which clearly has no basis in reality, should we be really upset, don’t get me wrong this is clearly a problem in Hollywood, but should we be getting our panties in a bunch over this fake garbage, like if it was a movie based on an actual historical

there was an interview with daisy Ridley where she said that she gets confused for kiera knightly all the time, and people ask her for photos and autographs

Aren’t Spanish people from Spain like White people? They are European, or was the time i spent in Spain all just a facade?