Consumer thermal cameras like FLIR One are about $250. Not super pricey.
Consumer thermal cameras like FLIR One are about $250. Not super pricey.
“Agreed” - Tim Marchman
This article overlooks the obvious: everyone knows this is going on, and the races themselves should be the ones using the FLIR cameras. But they aren’t, why?
There’s always something fishy going on when women are on their cycle.
I think it’s part of the pathology. You need to be good at controlling, manipulating, projecting and shifting blame to be “successful” at sexual abuse. Those are also useful traits if you want to be rich and powerful. And since many of the rich and powerful see sexual conquests as being part of a package deal...
It is actually said less to boys less because boys are less likely to come forward because of the stigma attached.
I think this would be cooler if it were just one guy doing it?
Not surprising that he has only one walk and zero runs, though.
+1 delicious truffle
Lindor should be used to balls being consumed.
Bartolo Colon once cracked a rib while working on a mound, but it was strictly to get at the marrow.
“I will be able to say ‘I’ve shared a bath with a Masters winners”
Hey, now, usually the aggressor in an accident is found in a seated position in his car with the victim outside of the car holding a smoking gun.
America. Where having a gun inside a Hummer is filed under ‘not the aggressor’.
Tweeted, then deleted, by Elon Musk:
both things are important! and how you brew it can change the flavor
isn’t the coffee itself more important than how you brew it? i’m confused
Her attorney is garbage.
Wait, so is Stone Cold allowed to throw out the middle finger? Did he still do his beer schtick, or does the WWE not allow that? Just curious. Either way this is awesome
You know how us black people love to refer to ourselves as “ethnic”