
Few years ago, I sold a "vintage" laptop on ebay. One of those dell, 75mhz, 4mb ram, 20mb hard drive, win 3.1 machines Described it to the tee. The buyer got mad that there was no DVD drive on it. (the ad did not claim there was a dvd drive). Filed a complained with paypal, who sided with him. He sent the laptop

I hate that argument. The life expectancy was 30 years because if a caveman got a paper cut, he died from the infection. I bet if we could get a sample of his blood, he would show in perfect health. Our longer life expectancy today is due to better medicine, better availability of food(i.e no starvation) , to name a

YES! and you don't even have to go back 10,000 years to the paleo time. Simply turn the clock back 150 years and sneak a peak into the typical cupboard. You will find vegetables, beans, brown rice, fruits, nuts and of course chicken and beef. Like the guy below says, if it comes in a box, its junk! If the ingredients

TRUE! And this is especially critical when it comes to Trans Fat. A product with 0.49 grams of trans fat per serving can announce itself as 0g trans fat. When you look at the ingredients, you see hydrogenated oils listed, so there is clearly trans fat in it. 0.49g might seem miniscule but any amount of TF is terrible

I think it is so part of the human psyche it will take generations to convince people that our bodies need fat to survive and that many fats are healthy. Sadly, the anti-fat message has done permanent damage and results in some fatty thinking a zero fat, 800 calorie white flour roll is healthy. My favorite are the

GOD - look at that aerial picture of a grocery. And they wonder why there is an obesity problem? I am thriving on a modified caveman diet. All I need are lots of fresh greens, some lean proteins, nuts, berries and oils. I could shop in a store the size of a closet and get everything I need.

So I should not end an auction at 3 AM when everyone is sleeping, or 3 PM when everyone is at work? thanks!

Another note, for both dental and medical services. Most claims nowadays are processed by the insurance company electronically. A computer reviews the claim and determines if it is covered based on codes. The two most important codes are the CPT Procedure code, which describes what service is being performed, and the

Remember - if the dentist is participating with your insurance company, they are obligated to accept the amount approved when the claim is processed.

Knowing PayPal, they will be freezing those funds for an undisclosed number of 4-12 months, I hope he is prepared for that!

What really terrifies me about this obesity epidemic is that there does not appear to be an end in sight and things only seem to be getting worse. Yes, there is a core group of us that eat right and exercise daily, but the majority of Americans do not. And the average weight, obesity rate is going up every year. I

I am SO confused.

Wonder if that flimsy shower rod can support an extra 10-15 pounds of shampoo bottles? Wonder about the sticky mess that will be left on the floor if the shower curtain is left outside the tub while these pockets "drain"

Just glad Pres. Obama is on top of things "we have asked them to give it back"

Once again, Atkins has been vindicated. And no, he did not die from heart failure, he hit his head on the ice after a fall.

1.4 kb/s per that NASA link!

I agree with the other poster that its not my body that gets cold, but my throat and lungs from inhaling the ice cold air. Breathing through the nose does not help either. Perhaps I need one of those re-breathers from Terra Nova that warms the air going in?

I cry foul.

I am all for art and all, but I suspect this cleaning lady spent more time with this piece than the artist did.

Why chocolate milk, vs regular milk? the extra sugar? is there not enough sugar in regular milk? Chocolate milk has added sucrose, is that beneficial over the lactose in regular milk?