
Why the hell would women like that marry?

12 strokes and failing kidneys?

I don’t mind safety razors, up to last year I still used the Gillette SensorExcel (2 blade head), which I’ve been using the best part of 2 decades they were the only head that didn’t give me burn which I can suffer quite badly from, but I got really p.o’d paying £20 for 5 heads every few months (if I stretched them

I don’t mind safety razors, up to last year I still used the Gillette SensorExcel (2 blade head), which I’ve been

Some women have to be screamed at, and these two are a perfect example.

Is it gamers posting this though? Or is it all just another trumped up sponsored twitter campaign being created and posted by people employed to do so on behalf of the company receiving the free word of mouth?

So what does the king wear?

So are Amazon going to sue them?

Anyone who complains about the lies that have been told and then still plays the game has no right to complain or to feel hard done by.

Show me ONE fucking part of my post where I say “developer’s DON’T..”

That may all be prefectly true from your angle, but this issue isn’t only influenced by developers... they may be ‘some’ of the story, but it’s absolutely and certainly not the whole story, or even the most significant part.

I’ll grant you that, in part, what you say has merit, however there is definitely an institutional ‘conspiracy’, if you wish, to box in the fundamental control of PC’s, to keep that power and control within the hands of the big players.

What is it with the Japanese and the ‘two fingers at the eye’ pose?

“Steam OS is the issue here.”

No, I’m one of those guys with a working brain and the ability to think my way out of a paper bag, a skill sadly lost in these times.

“The Witcher 3 is butt”

Who cares?

You need to learn what ‘morality’ means.

I only ever wanted one emulator and that was for the original xbox, and even then only for one game, Ninja Gaiden, not even ‘Black’ just ‘Ninja Gaiden’ I wore out 3 Xboxes on that game.

I’m just waiting for the first deaths from driverless cars, then maybe society will grow a brain.

What a waste of money.