At least there are only a few of the many things to do on the screen at one time.
At least there are only a few of the many things to do on the screen at one time.
Do you actually RTFA?
No shit?
The first one.. the ‘villain’ guy.
Look at the jaggies on the edge of the light in the PS4 pic with the yellow arm.. NEXT GEN?? LOL.
and I’ve said it before, people have been looking forwards to this for a long time, it would be cutting off their noses to spite their face not to get it.. However I do propose that they don’t pay for it.
Wisdom? Actors?
Really? At her age?
Yeah, that’ll show them..give them money for their latest shiny, then NIVAR AGEN, until of course you get distracted by their next shiny.
You carry a brain donor card, sir?
The new MetalGear is a very solid start.
Is it really that bad?
Who do they think they are?.. what kind of rights do these companies think they have a right to?
Morons like have no clue.. you are so inured by the corporate way you actively fight for it and all of it’s inequities to the detriment of the society around you..
I’m sure Kojima-san would feel more respected if this game, that his name has been taken off and over which he no longer has a job for his efforts, was to be toileted due to public feeling.
I agree with you in principal, however I also believe that one is unable to act immorally or unethically against an immoral or unethical entity, be that a person or institution, you merely treat them in kind by rules that they set.. and if you are of a religious nature and need further justification, ‘Do unto…
Oh, we’re publishing sexist stereotype masquerading as articles?
Then pirate it.
So it’s fine to announce ‘REMAKE’ and then not give anyone a remake, but instead a completely different version of it?
Sorry dude, but your job doesn’t mean much any more considering the new site mandate to suck corporate dick.