They Die.
They Die.
“I came to the realization that what we were doing in WWE was no longer pro wrestling,” he writes. “Instead, what most of WWE had become was actually a parody of wrestling.”
Or they could just want all your shit.
You didn’t seem particularly interested in ‘insight’ just telling me in what ways I was wrong.
Persona 4 is hands down some of the best music I’ve ever heard full stop, game or not.
Speak for yourself.
I quit Dragon Age after the first one.. it became too pandery as far as my my opinion goes. The only character I felt was worth a damn was Alister.
The whole healing issue, I feel it fits not only with the game but is a far better solution than most have.. either just potion popping, or ‘bang’, out of combat back to full health.
Totally agree with the alcohol thing, I didn’t get it at first and I thought it was a bug that I kept having 0/3 for this and that as an item that was difficult to get rid just of so I could recraft. I didn’t notice the auto refill until I’d pretty much gotten pissed off at the alchemy side and said ‘screw it’ and…
Yu? Did you lose your comb?
So how about printing his details instead of just saying ‘a dentist’ and ‘this dentist’.
IF the NX is the same kind of power as the PS4 and XB then it’ll be the first console I buy, I game on a PC, I have no interest in Sony or MS but I’ve always liked the the cut of Big N’s jib, even if I wasn’t too keen on their hardware.
Really? and everyone subjected to the same stresses handle it in the same way.
Jesus, this is tragic.
The intent is different, you even made it different.
There should really be some demarcation between real cosplay and this increasing trend in what basically amounts to publicity shots that advertise the photographer.
Yeah, I was just going to say that. It looks a bit tacky, like someones made a bear out of a set of 80’s bed sheets.
I’m not quite sure what you’re saying, or what side of the arguement you think I fall on, your ‘lock of hair’ comment threw me and muddies your post.
Yeah and that’s the PC gamers fault, eh?
Rather than coming off as a ‘HaHa gotcha’ comment, it just sounds like someone’s butthurt about the differences bewteen platforms.