
Articles like this are no better.

What does it matter if it sucks? It’ll still be huge. The majority of fans actually care more about Brand than gameplay.

Exactly, this pretty much has to be the case, and going by what they’ve said in the past about the development of games in general and HL inparticular about aways wanting to push the experience,, I wouldn’t be at all surprised in the development of HL3 was actually responsible for pushing them in a VR direction to

These kinds of thing aren’t really innovative or extraordinary, it used to be.. but now watches are running OSes and have enough ram and the games have already been ported (or have an emulator).

Wasn’t an acusation, merely pointing out that his point of view is decidely corporate and under such circumstances I can’t be sure he doesn’t have a personal interest, otherwise I can’t understand anyone supporting this as all it does is open this situation to further broadening.

Yeah, yeah brainfart, but it was too late to edit the post. I did acknowledge it in an earlier post.

If it was the rules of the game they’d changed, then although I wouldn’t like that either, I would agree with you. However you are actually paying for a thing, and although you don’t ‘own’ it per se, you are paying for that particular thing as it is.

He looks like a tit.

What are they testing for excess sugar? Too much Mountain Dew?

Yes, yes I did.

I agree with this. If you’ve paid for it then Epic have no right to change it. Full stop.

Another idiot telling people they have no reason to be upset about the fact that someone says they’ll make a movie of shit they like then change it all up to the point it’s unrecognizable.

So have they bothered to even attempt to fix any of the bugs that plague the entire series of is it the same old broken versions just in a pretty box?

So first Sonic, then Mario, now Pokemon?

Isn’t a Cherry Picker one of those big cranes with the basket on the arm for doing jobs high up, hence the name ‘Cherry Picker’?

Not only is it bleak rubbish with nothing to do with the characters that we know, but there is no consistancy to any rules of this particular corner of the multiverse. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are completely different people, not just characters but different people (and blood thirsty, literally in ‘Batman’s’

It’s the fact that these pastimes have become monetised that makes it a scandal, I mean, really, it’s become punishable to pay someone to play your game for you? It’s not even going to affect rankings as even someone with a boosted account won’t know what to do with it if they aren’t good enough or dedicated enough to

SPECIFICALLY stated under ‘new features’

SPECIFICALLY stated under ‘new features’

See this is exactly what crosses my mind every single time I hear of a C&D.. just up the fucking thing, when it’s out there they can’t do squat about it.