
So exactly how many community remakes are on the go now? ..and how may of them are going to get finished, actually how many in the history of the internet have ever been finished?

Why are we still arguing about this? I don’t agree with you and you don’t agree with. That’s not going to change.

Sadly , most of the shit these companies churn out and EXPECT us to buy regardless of quality just on the off chance that we MIGHT get something better in the next one aren’t anywhere near as good, unique or inventive as the Witcher series.

“We proudly worked with the Restored Content Mod Team to have their famous TSLRCM up on launch day”

No, give me a fucking break, you tool.

Nearly finished, Gone back to Skellige with company but I figured I’m near the end and didn’t want to finish quite so soon. (soon, lol, I’m over 100 hrs in)

Obsidian have worked with it and fixed it to the point it has become official and have inserted it in to the game in order to sell it again cheaper, this is not a new product, it is reselling the same game.

And now it’s available again from the people we originally bought it from.

Available or not, they haven’t been official work up til now.

Under these circumstances, the complete disregard of their original customers, you are perfectly justified to simply take it.

Perhaps buying it once and getting an incomplete version of it first time around, then being ignored in favour of a different market is enough of a reason not to buy it again.

This is a great article.. not for the Batman/Superman fight slant, but for the obvious truth about the travesty of a character, Superman is now being portrayed as and how regardless of box office numbers the new DC movie direction is a heap of distended rat’s anus.

Not in a million years.

Run awaaaay!

Up until this travesy I didn’t know who Tommy was, or what he stood for.

Oh yeahhhhhh. ;)

Dude.. I was being serious.. that IS something to truely aspire to. :D

That’s what you were talking about?

Every time I see that Batbot I think ‘Hecatonchires’.. (I had to google the spelling for that and spelled it how it’s pronounced “Hecatoncles’, but because of the Japanese R/L thing there’s no such word with an ‘L’ in it, there’s no-way after all the time I’ve used it I could start pronouncing it with an ‘R’.)
