and some people, like 28-year-old Tennessee resident Anna Thomas,do thirteen cans of whip-its at 9 am and crash into a mailbox
and some people, like 28-year-old Tennessee resident Anna Thomas,do thirteen cans of whip-its at 9 am and crash into a mailbox
Hmmm. I’m supposed to take a 13 year old girl to see it in a few hours.
Well that’s one way to skip all the talking points, like about what should and shouldn’t be monitized, how this affects the modding community, how much of a cut should Valve get, what services are Valve offering for their cut, and how content will be policed.
Is it just me, or is Adrian Beltre one of the coolest cats in baseball?
Now if they could update their dusty-ass broadcast restrictions, it would make it possible for those living in the new millennium to watch their favorite team in markets that don't carry said team but fall within their broadcast boundaries.
One time I ordered a 4-piece McNuggets and was given a 4-piece McNugget box filled to the brim with tartar sauce.
“Mark it down. It’s going to start with K, and there is definitely no H.”
A chicken finger rosin bag!? That's a fabulous idea!
Does the Sith looks a little like Darth Revan ?
Anyone who calls this traveling can die in a fire.
You guys need to understand that ENB Series isn’t actually a mod, it poses as a graphics driver and intersects the rendering pipeline, grabs the frame buffers and performs post-processing.
The dog was just reacting to the idea of fetching the selfie stick.
Justin Bailey isn’t a mystery. It’s just a really lucky quirk. Justin Bailey just happens to be a valid Metroid password that gives all weapons and the suit. You can play around with a metroid password generator and see. The reason it was discovered is some kid named Justin Bailey entered his name in as a password and…
“Hey baby, want to see my COBRA?”
Option to disable installing DirectX and other (already installed) drivers every freaking time i install new game. :/
Patel clearly fired her in retaliation for exercising her right to free speech.
Hey Captain! Open up! We've got to install these microwave ovens!
That last pic has a one and sistine quality to it.