Kamai New and Improved

Nope. Not seeing it.

Except the bar bouncer says he wasn't violent at all.

Fair enough, but my point is the same either way.

You're assuming those publishers are less than or equal to the awfulness that is Activision?

EA, Ubisoft and Take-Two.

So you really, honestly believe that Bungie had no choice which weapons to make exclusive? None whatsoever right?

You're missing my point. Your ire should be directed at Activision, not Bungie. Bungie, in leaving MS for a third party developer, is actually moving towards a more inclusive position, because now they're not subject to full game console exclusivity like they were with MS. Bungie is headed in the right direction.

Do you think someone with a PS4 and a level 20 DA character is going to buy an Xbox ONe and a new copy of the game just to play this DLC?

You know that decision was made by Activision, not Bungie, right? If anything Bungie made a positive move by going third party. When they were under contract with MS only MS players got to play their games. Now both consoles get their games, and the only exclusivity is this timed stuff. Eventually everyone gets

Same place as this one.

I like my games hard but i want some kind of reason for it in souls theres just cheap enemy placement and enemys that are to overpowerd.

Now that's investigative journalism.

He gets his clothes from the same place as Hamilton Nolan.

Eh, I found the old-school camera controls to be more than adequate.

Honestly, the second stick is more or less unnecessary for MM anyway.

You don't really remember the 90s then.

Shut the fuck up.

The trend of people making games you don't want to play?

By being raised poor and only ever being given Wonder Bread.

Still too much of a coward to answer my question, though?