Kamai New and Improved

Gene Wolfe's Solar Cycle. Unfortunately I know very few people who have actually read them.

That's right. Let the hate flow through you.

Man, in burns in you, doesn't it? Knowing I don't agree with you. It's pretty clear from your unwillingness to let this go.

Troll, just can't stand that there are people in the world that don't agree with you, can you? That's pretty sad.

And what he made was still noise. Just because it's a movie made by one weird guy doesn't make it worthwhile in any way.

None of which begins to address my point. Thanks for playing, though.

This is a dumb comment, and you should feel bad for making it.

Yeah, you're pulling patterns out of the static. You can read too much into anything if you try.

That's what the Night Owl ordinance is for.

Yeah, but I mean, fuck them.

I've been debating an empty room (your head) since we started.

Yep. My brother was robbed 3 times while working there for 2 years. And those are just the ones he was present for.

That's an awfully creative way slink off with your tail between your legs.

Why the fuck would they keep the greatest Batman villain out of the game?

This isn't a Beta test. This is HBO and Apple exchanging money to offer their product to a limited number of people.

Ultimately, though, any time a product that can be used by the entire market is released to a limited market, you're automatically telling the rest of the market that they aren't "good enough."

What do you think companies are for? Why wouldn't they try to make the most money possible? You could argue that this is short-sighted, and maybe you'd be right, but to admonish a business for trying to make the most money possible from their service is asinine. That's literally their entire reason for existence.

Not being willing to pay the advertised price for something is not a justification for stealing it. People with integrity just go without the things they aren't willing to pay for.

That movie isn't even a good bad movie. A good bad movie is at least interesting in its badness. The Room is just.....noise.

It amazes me how easy it is to turn the average media consumer into a petulant thief.