
Yeah, driver’s door facing the sidewalk is actually less inconvenient to other motorists as it allows you to exit without blocking traffic. Does make leaving the spot more inconvenient, however.

Instead it’s a bunch of political bullshit personal hot take pushing a personal belief and agenda that has zero point being on gaming blog site.

You must have missed the part where Metal Gear games have always been direct commentary pieces on political and social issues. I think it makes perfect sense to use this part of Metal Gear Rising as a jump off point to talk about the election.

Metal Gear is probably the most political video game series ever. This game specifically critiques the War on Terror. We’re still living in that era so it’s hardly “political bullshit” to contextualize the game in present day.

I don’t think this comes from white working class men per se. I think it’s something the white male ownership class wants white working men to be preoccupied with, so they don’t consider the fact that their economic losses over the last few decades have come as a result of the gains of that 1%.


What an idiot. Donald Trump didn’t want her to commit voter fraud. He wanted her to stand silently outside a polling place in a liberal-leaning area with a gun.

Which will hopefully be vigorously enforced.

“I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”

The Great Society and War on Poverty were actually going really well in a lot of ways until the Right dismantled them in the 1980s and decided to double down on the War on Drugs in a way that gutted inner city communities.

During the discord ama they were asked what they would do differently and that was like one of the few questions they answered with barely any hesitation: Marketing.

Yeah, I was going to add that this article left out an important date:

Being a virgin doesn’t automacically mean that one doesn’t know what an orgasm feels like or how good sex should feel.

I think porn itself isn’t the problem, but that the overwhelming majority of straight porn caters to men, and a particular pov of how straight sex should be.

No, he was attacked for the clusterfuck that was the FEMA response.

It’s more a symptom of the dissonance between the Republican party’s usage of the Southern Strategy and reality at large, but yeah...interesting, isn’t it?

This is such bullshit. I pointed this out to someone who is a “supporter”. Their response would have been funny had it not been chilling. She said “Well, in my day a woman knew her place. You don’t speak out against those who are wealthier because they are more powerful. This little girl (ACK!!!!) should be covering

Such a bastion of Conservative, Right-Wing values and ‘Murican Christianity, harbouring multiple serial harassers? I’m shocked, shocked! Bring me my fainting couch!

Porn and American junk food. The hypocrisy was astounding.

I hope they can never find another woman willing to work there. They will, but it's not what I want.