
I would gladly vote for Jesus, but like actual Jesus not the Republican fictional Jesus that loves guns and hates the gays.

That’s assault. Whoever did that should’ve been kicked out too.

It’s different because lawmakers often do not understand the subjects of which they are making laws about. This is especially true in emerging technologies, which paves the way for potentially abusive lobbying. Add in any number of potential kick backs and general shadiness, and you get a huge mess.

Or maybe it’s from back then when they themselves where pirates, distributing bootleg games in Poland.

That is the entire point they are attempting to get across. They focus on creating a positive experience for the player that motivates them to want to spend their money. That makes their approach applicable to all. It is similar to the methodology followed by successful retailers: “The best loss prevention policy is

I can’t - off the top of my head - but the Catholic Church and their decades long cover up of institutional child abuse can't really thrown stones.

You mean, other than abortion clinic bombings, church shootings, forcing gay kids into conversion therapy that ends in suicides, and countless women forced to carry pregnancies that sometimes end in death to the mother? And before you tell me those aren’t “honor killings,” yes they are. All of these Fundamentalist

Fundamentalism, in all its forms, across religions and cultures both, is a poison. Fuck them all.

Once again, WBC shows how out of touch they really are. We’re talking about Pokémon, not Doom. It’s like they’re not even trying anymore.

You really did a great job illustrating the whole point there didn’t ya?

Hah it’s not just you - and it’s not just today.

The "code of silence" was one of the major criticisms of the Chicago PD in a recent investigation - as was the fact that the board who investigates officer-involved shootings was composed entirely of police officers.

Yes, this is the major problem with police in the US. You’re feeling hurt that folks are painting all cops as bad?

If you aren’t speaking out against shit like this on the regular, how are we wrong?

A finished degree should be a requirement to qualify for loan relief. With special exceptions of course. Repeated failure out of school? pay up mister.

Conservative states have high divorce rates than liberal states:

Annnd we’re back to standard Margaret Attwood, after the inverse Attwood committed by that malignant narcissist woman.

Your description of the bus is poetic, and your prose is very nice.

To be fair, it doesn’t say that he didn’t take an MSF course. A novice rider is still a novice even with an MSF course.

There absolutely should be criminal negligence charges for dropping your load like this. it is NOT and accident that it happened.

In Germany gun permits are only valid for 3 years and people applying for one have to go through a test to evaluate their character/sanity and their need for a gun. A person must be at higher risk than the general population and a gun has to be a reasonable tool for minimizing that risk* to be deemed as in need of a