
@m_s: I did the same thing. But I think just for shits and giggles I'll redo it with this.

I have my Gmail Account run through Apple Mail, and since that's open all the time, it just lets me know when I have new mail. Of course that's for ALL my email addresses, not just Gmail.

For the past several years now, for birthdays anniversaries, and holidays, I wrap my gifts in brown paper bags. Not only is it cheap (I just get paper bags when I go grocery shopping), but everybody knows which gift is from me.

@Horusz: I think "you bet your ass it is!" would correctly sum it up.

@RET_Ghost: Fanboyism is a sad disease, I don't get why people feel to just devote themselves to one console. Personally I never went the PS3 route, but that's because I didn't feel like I needed to.

@xMindPrintsx: Around midnight I'll be consistently checking...just in case.

@djsc: I'm using Evernote, it's really nice and works great.

Congratulations! I wish you nothing but the best of luck!

Yay! Congratulations!

VOTE: Skype

I spent so much time on WoW, it was ridiculous. I got nothing done. I'm done with WoW for good. However, I did just pick up EVE Online again. Since some portions of that game can take a little bit of time, I can easily multitask while playing.

I own most of these games...but damn! That's awesome!

@Psychotic Prankster: I'll be running my 360's Rock Band 2 most of the season. Though I'm sure my Wii will be loaded up with Smash and Mario Kart.

Ugh, there's nothing more annoying than attending a meeting, then having somebody have to leave their presentation to go to a YouTube page. I should direct some people to this post.

Printers - No, I still have to print out the occasional letter for work or something.

@torgojones: That could've been a bummer for you.

Locally mainly, though if I know I'll want to access a site in various locations, I'll Google Bookmark it.

@Renaci: I'm iffy on what to do...I mean Ocarina is PROBABLY cheaper...but if I could play it...hmmmmm

I did a 14 day trial a little while back, and loved it. But the reason I don't still play is because I fear I'd get too into it...but I might have to soon.