@TRT-X: Agreed
@TRT-X: Agreed
Oh the irony, I just swapped out my wired set for a wireless set. Too bad :(
If I didn't already have my macbook, I'd probably look into it.
@hepatace: Hmm...I thought there was a free thing
I remember seeing something like this for Mac a while back, what was it called?
I've had a few family members get the corrective surgery. It works wonders. My uncle went from being legally blind to not even needing glasses.
My MacBook takes about 15-20 seconds to boot up fully.
Syncing with Apple's Address Book.
@TRT-X: 3 cheers for dowingba!
Fallout 3 for sure, Left 4 Dead as well, and I already have RB2.
@Christoph: It appears great nerds think alike. I had the same thought.
@wef: You and the rest of the sane world! Here's hoping!
They're the new medium for the NOW That's What I Call Music series. Utterly pointless...but yet people buy them, just wait for Guitar Hero 32, it's gonna be pure rock.
This sounds a lot like spreed which I like to use. I'll have to check it out.
That's kind of a bummer :(
I just preordered my CE from my local game store. 360 version so no worries about specs!
@Capitalist_Bagel: I'd actually be kinda pissed. I'm sure we've all thought about having mutant powers (c'mon, admit it), so if he's spending his on WoW...grr.
@Solidius: The Assassin Kensei has spoken!
I don't know about you guys...but I think if Blizzard did a Diablo-esque game with that art style...I'd buy it.
@dowingba: No, I am Spartacus