
I crack up every time I see that intro

Cool...but not cool enough. I already have the 360 version so there's no real incentive for me to get this one too. Great title though

I've been thinking about getting into an MMO again (last one was WoW a few years back), this seems like it might be the one.

This will be good...very...very good

I wonder how much battery life you do get with this thing, cause it'd totally be worth it if it shaved off only a couple hours. Just buy a couple more rechargeable batteries, or finally invest in those battery packs.

It looks like all the others...but I liked all the I guess I'm buying it.

Yes!! This is become more and more of a must buy!

Every time I start rethinking buying RB2, saying "eh, I'll pick it up eventually", they go and release more's like they know...

Damn damn damn damn damn....I'm going to buy it...damn! It'll be fun...but crap...$300? I'll feel like crap when I buy it...until I play it, then all will be good.

Ah yes, yet another Star Wars game I will undoubtedly spend a lot of time on...color me excited.

Just borrowed Eternal Sonata from a friend, and then I have a buddy coming down bringing Ninja Gaiden II, so that'll be my weekend.


There's a good chance I'll spring for the new instruments. My drums are starting to crap out, and I'll always enjoy a new guitar.

Even if this list is only partially correct...this will be awesome.


Well I"m excited for Diablo 3 regardless of what these guys say

@Phoshi: For sure, I'm sure it'll be in a later version...I hope

I just moved into a new place and I could see this working really well with where I put my desk. Awesome tip!