
Nice handy little things to have. depends on how much the bundle is. Cause I wouldn't mind a new drum set (pads don't like to register long, rapid hits), and the new guitar is always welcome.

@Primebuster: I would assume so, I don't think they are really changing much in terms of the actual game engine.



@peacefulpony: Isn't this their site? They can do whatever they want.

It will be mine

Most of this is all personal opinion anyway. I enjoyed Rock Band more than Guitar Hero. I don't want to have to buy another drum set to have to store somewhere in my apartment. Though I'll try to convince my buddy to pick this up, just so I can try it.

Excellent job!

There is no way I'm going to spend more money on a game that does exactly what Rock Band does. Rock Band's DLC is fantastic (and consistent) whereas GHIII left me feeling as if I wasted money. I'll stick with Rock Band and await my Rock Band 2 which will probably incorporate some sort of Jam Session mode.

@Rhys: Everybody, everybody is still laughing at friend codes.

Awesome! Is there any kind of similar Mac app?

Oblivion, Smash, probably some Mario Kart in there. I've also gotten back into playing Crackdown.

@Archaotic: I'm in the same boat. It had better have nothing but purely awesome songs none of which can be on Rock Band, and I'll have to be able to use by Rock Band stuff.

Never been much of a fan, but this was just genius.

@Oyako: Agreed, they're just throwing it in to try to compete with Rock Band.

Another vote for OSX Address Book Syncing

That's awesome! I wish I could get my dad into these kinds of things. He insists on staying with his Star Wars and Racing games.

I'll stick with regular 'ol Google Calendar.

I gotta stick with PizzaTorrent