
I delete everything I don't need, If I think I might need something such as order numbers and whatnot, I just star them until I get my product, then delete it.

Are there any apps like this for Windows or Mac?

@mulletmandan: I used the a while back. It even included unlimited texting which was really nice.

I started using Digsby because of this little competition. I've been using it for a couple days now and I must say, with the integration of my gmail, Facebook, and twitter, alongside my AIM and MSN IM accounts...I love it! I used to be an avid Pidgin user, but Digsby definitely takes the cake for me.

@trumpetfalcon: Haha, I saw that this morning and, in my state of half asleep, believed it for far too long for me to consider myself an intellegent human being.

If there's any invites left:

If there's any DropBox invites left

It's great stuff, especially for college students, you can have your chat clients, your youtube, whatever on one, your paper on another, and nobody is the wiser.