
My point is that people are taking unneccesary joy out of this. Its possible to want to see justice served without turning the whole thing into a goddamn circus.

I'm sure more than a few of them would be if it were publicly accepted

Well that'd be fine if we didn't have to become overcome with lynch mob mentality in the process. And I'm not referring to everybody obviously, but there a really ugly undercurrent to a lot of what's been going on

OK so wanting this crime solved to help bring peace of mind to these women is the exact same thing as subconciously wanting to solve this crime to bring down a beloved public figure in the black community? If the intentions wildly differ but the results are the same, then its simply semantics?

No its really fucking not

I know you're probably mocking me but I'll still upvote that. I appreciate good comedy

Its iterally just bashing him and everything he's worked on. Itd be one thing if you all were talking about how sorry you feel for the victims but half the comments seem to just be "fuck Cosby and fuck the Cosby Show" The tone in the comments doesn't seemed concerned with getting justice for the women, instead its

I believe I don't have the right to act as the judge and jury over an individual just because the public has currently deemed it acceptable. The people on this site aren't asking for justice they're literally just saying 'fuck Bill Cosby'

You really think its that absurd that people would lie for money? That's absurd to you? You must have lived quite a sheltered existence.

"Beginning with Take The Money And Run in 1969—or the overdubbed 1966 lark What's Up, Tiger Lily?, if that counts—Allen has been the standard-bearer for New York Jewish wit, and a persistently insightful chronicler of human relationships.”

And your personal opinion is based off what exactly? Let's say he did do it, let's say he raped all those women. Fine fair enough, he's a monster and you were justified, whoopdie fuckin doo. But let's say he didn't do it. Let's say these women are lying, let's say that they're just accusing him because you know some

Now if Bill Cosby is a rapist he is indeed a piece of shit. The fact is he hasn't been convicted. The fact is none of us have any idea what the hell went down. But instead of waiting till this all plays out you guys have gone ahead and already condemned the old bastard

Gotta love America "Innocent Until Proven Guilty… Unless you're a well off african-american" Now if you'll excuse me I'm behind in my readings of articles on this website praising the virtuous Woody Allen